1. Pengertian Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler


Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler adalah kegiatan pendidikan di luar mata pelajaran dan pelayanan konseling untuk membantu pengembangan peserta didik sesuai dengan kebutuhan, potensi, bakat, dan minat mereka melalui kegiatan yang secara khusus diselenggarakan oleh pendidik dan atau tenaga kependidikan yang berkemampuan dan berkewenangan di sekolah/madrasah.


  1. Visi dan Misi


a.    Visi


    Visi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler adalah berkembangnya potensi, bakat dan minat secara optimal, serta tumbuhnya kemandirian dan kebahagiaan peserta didik yang berguna untuk diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat.


b.    Misi


1)    Menyediakan sejumlah kegiatan yang dapat dipilih oleh peserta didik sesuai dengan kebutuhan, potensi, bakat, dan minat mereka.


2)    Menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang memberikan kesempatan
peserta didik mengespresikan diri secara bebas melalui kegiatan mandiri dan atau kelompok.


    3.    Fungsi Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler


a.    Pengembangan, yaitu fungsi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan kreativitas peserta didik sesuai dengan potensi, bakat dan minat mereka.


b.    Sosial, yaitu fungsi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan rasa tanggung jawab sosial peserta didik.


c.    Rekreatif, yaitu fungsi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler untuk mengembangkan suasana rileks, mengembirakan dan menyenangkan bagi peserta didik yang menunjang proses perkembangan.


d.    Persiapan karir, yaitu fungsi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler untuk mengembangkan kesiapan karir peserta didik.


4.    Prinsip Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler

a.    Individual, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang sesuai dengan potensi, bakat dan minat peserta didik masing-masing.

b.    Pilihan, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan diikuti secara sukarela peserta didik.

c.    Keterlibatan aktif, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang menuntut keikutsertaan peserta didik secara penuh.

d.    Menyenangkan, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler dalam suasana yang disukai dan mengembirakan peserta didik.

e.    Etos kerja, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang membangun semangat peserta didik untuk bekerja dengan baik dan berhasil.

f.    Kemanfaatan sosial, yaitu prinsip kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat.


5.    Jenis kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler

  1. Krida,
    meliputi Kepramukaan, Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa (LDKS), Palang Merah Remaja (PMR), Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka (PASKIBRAKA).


  1. Karya Ilmiah,
    meliputi Kegiatan Ilmiah Remaja (KIR), kegiatan penguasaan keilmuan dan kemampuan akademik, penelitian.


  1. Latihan/lomba keberbakatan/prestasi, meliputi pengembangan bakat olah raga, seni dan budaya, cinta alam, jurnaistik, teater, keagamaan.


  1. Seminar, lokakarya, dan pameran/bazar, dengan substansi antara lain karir, pendidikan, kesehatan, perlindungan HAM, keagamaan, seni budaya.


        6.     Format Kegiatan


            a.    Individual, yaitu format kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang diikuti peserta didik secara perorangan.


            b.    Kelompok, yaitu format kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang diikuti oleh kelompok-kelompok peserta didik.


            c.    Klasikal, yaitu format kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang diikuti peserta didik dalam satu kelas.


    d.    Gabungan, yaitu format kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang diikuti peserta didik antarkelas/antarsekolah/madraasah.


    e.    Lapangan, yaitu format kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang diikuti seorang atau sejumlah peserta didik melalui kegiatan di luar kelas atau kegiatan lapangan.





    Perencanaan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler mengacu pada jenis-jenis kegiatan yang memuat unsur-unsur:


1.    Sasaran kegiatan


2.    Substansi kegiatan


3.    Pelaksana kegiatan dan pihak-pihak yang terkait, serta keorganisasiannya


4.    Waktu dan tempat


5    Sarana


(Lampiran 10)





1.    Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang bersifat rutin, spontan dan keteladanan dilaksanakan secara langsung oleh guru, konselor dan tenaga kependidikan di sekolah/madrasah.


    2.    Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang terprogram dilaksanakan sesuai dengan sasaran, substansi, jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan pelaksana sebagaimana telah direncanakan. (Lampiran 11)





    Hasil dan proses kegiatan ekstra kurikuler dinilai secara kualitatif dan dilaporkan kepada pimpinan sekolah/madrasah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya oleh penanggung jawab kegiatan.


    (Lampiran 12,13, dan14)





    Pelaksana kegiatan ekstra kurikuler adalah pendidik dan atau tenaga kependidikan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kewenangan pada substansi kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang dimaksud.





    1.    Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler di sekolah/madrasah dipantau, dievaluasi, dan dibina melalui kegiatan pengawasan.


    2.    Pengawasan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler dilakukan secara:


        a. interen, oleh kepala sekolah/madrasah.

        b.    eksteren, oleh pihak yang secara struktural/fungsional memiliki kewenangan membina kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang dimaksud.


    3.    Hasil pengawasan didokumentasikan, dianalisis, dan ditindaklanjuti untuk peningkatan mutu perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler di sekolah/madrasah.


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Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI




Name: .................................................................

Lesson: English



Grade: VI

Time: ...................................

Absen no: ............................................................

Semester: I


  1. Fill in the blank spaces by listening to your teacher!

    The Way to the Police Station

    At Sunday morning, Mirna is going to school. She will have a flag ceremony. On Melati Street, she meets a man. The man asks her, "………………………………………..(1), can you show me where the …………………………………….(2) is?"

    Mirna answers, "………………………………(3) on this way, turn right at the first …………………………………….(4). That is Anggrek Street. Go along Anggrek Street. It is about one hundred meters. The police station is between market and bus station."

    "Thank you very much," the man says.

    "………………………………………………………….(5)," Mirna says.

  2. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!


    Text for number 6 to 13

    My name is Arum. I have a best friend. Her name is Mayang. I live on Diponegoro Street. My house is across from the drugstore. Mayang lives on Kartini Street. Her house is between book store and course center. Bookstore is in the corner of Diponegoro Street and Kartini Street. Behind my house is park and beside Mayang's house is supermarket. On Sunday, we go to the park to do some exercise.


    1. Mayang is Arum's ....
      1. Friends        c. Best friends
      2. Friend        d. Best friend
    2. Arum's house is in ….
      1. Behind the drugstore
      2. In front of the drugstore
      3. Across from the drugstore
      4. Across from the Diponegoro street
    3. Bookstore is …. Arum's house.
      1. In front of        c. Beside
      2. Behind        d. Corner
    4. Between bookstore and course center is ….
      1. Arum's house    c. Drugstore
      2. Mayang's house    d. Park
    5. In the corner of Diponegoro and Kartini Street is ….
      1. Drugstore        c. Bookstore
      2. Park        d. Supermarket
    6. Behind the Arum's house is ….
      1. Drugstore        c. Bookstore
      2. Park        d. Supermarket
    7. Mayang and Arum go to the park on ….
      1. Sunday        c. Tuesday
      2. Monday        d. Wednesday
    8. The Girls on the text above are ….
      1. Mayang and Anang
      2. Mayang and Arin
      3. Arum and Manan
      4. Arum and Mayang
    9. A: Where is the location of Pangandaran beach?

      B: It …. in the south of Banjar.

      1. Is            c. Are
      2. Am            d. Were


    10. A: Where is the location of Bali?

      B: ….

      1. It is in the north of Java.
      2. It is in the east of Java.
      3. It is in the south of Java.
      4. It is in the west of Java.
    11. A: …. is the location of Rawa Pening?

      B: It is in the west of Salatiga.

      1. What        c. Where
      2. When        d. How
    12. The cinema …. across from the drugstore.
      1. Am            c. Are
      2. Is            d. Was
    13. The bookstore …. in the corner of Kenangan street and Mawar street.
      1. Was        c. Is
      2. Were        d. Am
    14. The sun sets in the ….
      1. North        c. South
      2. East        d. West
    15. The sun rises in the ….
      1. North        c. South
      2. East        d. West
    16. Between north and east is ….
      1. North east        b. South east
      2. South west        d. North west
    17. Between west and north is ….
      1. North east        c. South east
      2. South west        d. North west
    18. Between west and south is ….
      1. North east        c. South east
      2. South west        d. North west
    19. Between south and east is ….
      1. North east        c. South west
      2. South west        d. North west
    20. If you want to buy medicine. You go to the ….
      1. Bookstore        c. Library
      2. Drugstore        d. Post office
    21. If we want to borrow book. We go to the ….
      1. Laboratory        c. Library
      2. Police station    d. Post office
    22. Ari wants to send the letter. She goes to the ….
      1. Post office        c. Police station
      2. Library        d. Museum
    23. O – S – H – T – U.

      Arrange these letters into a good word!

      1. South        c. Houts
      2. Thous        d. Stouh
    24. O – H – T – N – R.

      Arrange these letters into a good word!

      1. Ohtrn        c. North
      2. Ronth        d. Hornt
    25. Wants to – Mirna – to – go – bookstore – the.

      Arrange these words into a good sentence!

      1. Mirna wants to the go to drugstore.
      2. Mirna wants to go the to drugstore.
      3. Mirna wants to the to go drugstore.
      4. Mirna wants to go to the drugstore.
    26. Is – Police station – the – near to – T-junction.

      Arrange these words into a good sentence!

      1. Police station the near to is T-junction.
      2. Police station is T-junction the near to.
      3. Police station T-junction is the near to.
      4. Police station is near to the T-junction.
    27. Between – market – Post office – library – and – is. Arrange these words into a good sentence!
      1. Post office between and is market library.
      2. Post office is market and library between.
      3. Post office is between and market library.
      4. Post office is between market and library.
    28. Is – on – Anggrek – Laboratory – street.

      Arrange these words into a good sentence!

      1. Laboratory on is street Anggrek.
      2. Laboratory is Anggrek street on.
      3. Laboratory is street on Anggrek.
      4. Laboratory is on Anggrek Street.
    29. Am – front of – in – I – school – the.

      Arrange these words into a good sentence!

      1. I am front of in the school.
      2. I am in front of the school.
      3. I am the school in front of.
      4. I front of in am the school.
    30. Start – I – walking – Majapahit – street – to.

      Arrange these words into a good sentence!

      1. I start walking to Majapahit street.
      2. I start walking to street Majapahit.
      3. I start walking Majapahit to street.
      4. I start street walking to Majapahit.


  3. Read the dialogue and answer the question!

Dialogue 1

Tourist: Excuse me. Is there a Museum near here?

Rama : Yes, there is.

Tourist: Where is it?

Rama : It is on Adi Sucipto Street.

Tourist: And where is the bank?

Rama : It is on Adi Sucipto Street too.

Tourist: How far is the museum to the bank?

Rama : The bank is next to the museum.

Tourist: Ok. Thank you.

Rama : You are welcome.

Dialogue 2

Danu : Dad, I want to but a book.

Father: What book?

Danu : A story book.

Father: You can buy it in Smart Book Store.

Danu : Where is it Dad?

Father: Just go straight Merapi Street. Then turn right on the first crossroad. Smart bookstore is on the corner.

Danu : Ok. I will go there with Iqbal.

Father: Be Careful.

Danu : Ok, I will.

  1. Does the tourist ask about the Museum?


  2. Where is the museum?


  3. How far is the museum to the Bank?


  4. Can we buy story book is Smart Book Store?


  5. With who is Danu go to Smart Book Store?


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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI

  1. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!


    1. Please go to this place if you want to buy some medicine. The place is….
      1. Museum        c. Book store
      2. Library        d. Drugstore
    2. The opposite of North West is….
      1. South east        c. North east
      2. South west        d. West
    3. We go to the….to watch a movie.
      1. Market        c. Bank
      2. Cinema        d. Post office
    4. The opposite of west is….
      1. North        c. East
      2. South        d. South west
    5. It is a….
      1. S-junction
      2. Crossroad
      3. T-junction
      4. Highway
    6. Sinta plants a flower in the….
      1. Kitchen        c. Garage
      2. Bathroom        d. Garden
    7. My hobby is….

      My favorite singer is Agnes Monica.

      1. Dancing        c. Cooking
      2. Singing        d. Camping
    8. I like playing.... I need a racket and shuttle cock to play it.
      1. Badminton        c. Toy car
      2. Kite            d. Football
    9. Rini likes to go to the library at break time. His hobby is….
      1. Dancing        c. Cycling
      2. Swimming        d. Reading
    10. Maria likes to watch Harry Potter. Her hobby is….
      1. Playing kites    c. Watching TV
      2. Gardening        d. Listening to the Radio
    11. What….your hobby?
      1. Am            c. Are
      2. Is            d. Do
    12. Does she like swimming?
      1. Yes, she do        c. No, she do not
      2. Yes, she does    d. No, she does
    13. Intan    : ….Bertha like cooking.

      Ilham    : Yes, she does.

      1. Does        c. Is
      2. Do            d. Are
    14. Dancing….a good hobby.
      1. Have        c. Is
      2. Am            d. Are
    15. My sister….flowers, because her hobby is gardening.
      1. Love        c. Loving
      2. Loveses        d. Loves
    16. He….playing kites.
      1. Like            c. Likes
      2. Liking        d. Likings


  1. Amini….in the kitchen now.
    1. Is            c. Are
    2. Am            d. Does
  2. Santi is….a doll in the living room now.
    1. Play            c. Plays
    2. Playing        d. Playings
  3. Farhan….to the swimming pool every Sunday.
    1. Go            c. Goes
    2. Going        d. Goings
  4. My school….very big.
    1. Is            c. Are
    2. Am            d. Have

Dialogue for number 21 to 24!

Rani    : "…. (21)is your hobby, Bima"

Bima    : "My hobby…. (22) playing football."

Rani    : "…. (23) your brother like playing football too?"

Bima    : "…. (24), he does."

Rani    : "Do you like…. (25) stamps."

Bima    : "No, I…. (26) not."

  1. a. Where    b. What    c. When    d. How
  2. a. Is    b. Am    c. Are    d. Have
  3. a. Do    b. Does    c. Have    d. Has
  4. a. Yes    b. No    c. Is    d. Not
  5. a. Collect    b. Collects    c. Collecting    d.Collectings
  6. a. Do    b. Does    c. Is    d. Are

Dialogue for number 27-32!

Danu    : "Dad, I want to buy a….. (27)"

Father    : "…. (28) book."

Danu    : "A story book."

Father    : "You can…. (29) it in smart Book Store."

Danu    : "…. (30) is it Dad?"

Father    : "Just go straight Merapi Street. Then turn right on the first crossroad. Smart Book Store…. (31) on the corner."

Danu    : "OK. I will…. (32) there with Iqbal."

Father    : "Be carefull."

Danu    : "Ok, I will."

  1. a. book    b. books    c. booking    d. bookings
  2. a. when    b. where    c. what    d. how
  3. a. buy    b. buys    c. buying    d. buyings
  4. a. when    b. where    c. what    d. how
  5. a. is    b. am    c. are    d. do
  6. a. go    b. goes    c. going    d. goings
  7. help – need – I – your.
    1. I help your need.    c. I your help need.
    2. I need your help.    d. I need help your.
  8. Is – to – the – museum – the – bank – next.
    1. The museum is the bank next to.
    2. The museum is next the bank to.
    3. The bank is next to the museum.
    4. The bank is next the museum to.
  9. Is – Adi Sucipto – it – street – on.
    1. It is on Adi Sucipto Street.
    2. It is on Street Adi Sucipto.
    3. It Adi Sucipto on Street is.
    4. It Adi Sucipto is on Street.





  1. Listen to your teacher and write the missing words!

    At monday ……………………………………… (36), Mirna is going to ……………………………. (37). She will ………………………………………………(38). On Melati ……………………………… (39), she meets a ………………… (40). The man asks her, "Excuse me, can you …………………………… (41) me where the ……………………………………..(42) is?"

    Mirna answers, "………………………………………. (43) on this way, …………………………………(44) at the first corner road. That is Anggrek Street. Go Along Anggrek Street. It is about one hundred meters. The police station is between market and bus station."

    "Thank you very much," the man said.

    "……………………………………………… (45)," Mirna says.

  2. Write the answer based on the text!

    My name is Dinda. I have some hobbies. They are reading, gardening and dancing. I like reading because I can get more knowledge. I read a lot of books such as novel, science book, magazine and so on. My second hobby is is gardening. I like gardening because I like flowers. I like rose, orchid and jasmine. My last hobby is dancing. I join dancing class in my school. Now, I can cance Gambyong and Serimpi. I am very enjoying my hobbies.

    1. Does Dinda have some hobbies?


    2. What are Dinda hobbies?


    3. Does Dinda like reading?


    4. Can Dinda do Serimpi dance?


    5. What kind of books does Dinda have?


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